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A House in the Village of França

"Sousa Viterbo used the term «frança» as a synonym for small firewood, the sticks and leaves resulting from cutting trunks of trees, for that, when meaning set of branches and leaves of a tree, it relates with the word «fronde». In other words, the name of the population is associated with the abundance of trees."

Source: Monografia das Freguesias do Concelho de Bragança, Câmara Municipal de Bragança.

.:: Landscape of the Village ::.
Landscape of the village

.:: House in the Village ::.
House in the Village

.:: View of the Montesinho Dam ::.
View of the Montesinho Dam


Mainly trout. In the river Sabor or at the Montesinho dam.

Walking in the natural park. Site seeing along the region villages.

Bicycling. There are four individual bicycles and two double place bicycles.

Games. The house has a full set of entretainment with a table tennis, pool, "matraquilhos" and cards.

By email. Check the contacts at the end of this page.

Casa da Aldeia de França - http://casadefranca.netureza.pt
email: casadefranca@netureza.pt
Morada: Rua da Cruz, N.11; 5300-541 FRANÇA -- PORTUGAL

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